Lee's Summit History Museum in the Lee's Summit, MO

Lee's Summit History Museum in the Lee's Summit, MO

The Lee’s Summit History Museum in Missouri provides visitors with an enriching collection of artifacts and exhibits that tell the history of this small Midwestern city. Located on the west side of interstate highway 50, near the Jackson/Cass County line, the museum serves as a hub of activity and provides insight into the area’s past.
Learn information about Lee's Summit, MO.

The history of Lee’s Summit dates back to the late 1800s when the city was founded by pioneers who wanted a better life. Over the years, Lee’s Summit has grown from a small village to a thriving city of more than 95,000 people. During this time, it has welcomed a diverse group of people from many cultures and backgrounds who have since contributed to the city’s rich history. Lee’s Summit History Museum offers a wide range of exhibits, showcasing artifacts from throughout the city’s past. Viewers can learn more about the city’s businesses, educational institutions, and important sites from the 1800s and 1900s. Special exhibits display the city’s evolution over time, as well as the role it played in the Civil War and World War II. The museum also contains an extensive collection of photographs, documents, and artifacts from the city’s past. Visitors can also explore its interactive exhibits, which feature videos, audio recordings, and photographs. The museum also hosts a number of educational programs and activities throughout the year, including a summer camp and an archaeology program. Discover facts about William B. Howard Station Park in the Lee's Summit, MO.

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